Fashion Media Lab – Cooking Idea 4

I made a production deck! Here to see:

So, the film will be divided into three parts. The idea is she is in her new environment, and here we explore how enclothed cognition influenced her:

Act 1

Sound of drowning at the start signalling a person got into her ‘state of mind’, being drowned in thoughts and pulled into her deepest consciousness. Her circling around illustrates how it is in her mind, it’s wandering in a loop without knowing what to do. But the root of her problem relies on her (in the mirror).

She wears pale makeup and dress, emphasizes the lack of self-esteem. She’s the centre point of the introduction, how her appearance makes her anxious. Then her personal space got invaded when she is surrounded by bright-coloured creatures (I want them to have different shapes and colours) that she thinks more ‘superior’ than she is. She feels intimidated, and it creates havoc inside.

Act 2

She got into her deepest core, trying to seek protection, she goes into her clothes (the idea of clothes as environment). The clothes then get bigger each time, creating a cocoon. The clothes also illustrate the feeling of overwhelmedness that she experienced. It’s somehow a paradox, but in the end, she chose the clothes as her weapon that helps her to find assurance. She’s wearing bold makeup, signing that in spite of the insecurities there’s a self inside her that is confident. This also ‘metaphorically’ shows how the clothes boost her self confidence from inside.

Act 3

She got back from the chaos of her mind, her eyes glistening, her makeup is the same as stage 1, but added bright colour (on her eyes/lips) to illustrate her newfound confidence. She falls repeatedly, but able to stand up in the end. This shows even though life breaks her down so many times, she’ll keep her stance upright. She takes a deep breath, signing a new energy chiming into her body. Despite all the chaos, she decided to move forward.

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