Fashion Media Lab – Preparing for the Shoot

For the costume, I contacted some CSM students. I went to their White Show Instagram account (@opus.19) and searched for the right garments for my short film. Some of them tagged on the photos, found their names in one of the photos (attached below) and just searched them. Or look at the following/likes from some people or posts. They are all excited to participate in the film and to be honest, it’s quite the burden. But I need to fake it to make it right.
So I choose 6 of them to portray the cocoon (picture attached below)

From left to right: Cathy Meyong, Dorottya Csokasi, Albamas Amoros, Sofia Castellon, Danny Kozyrev, Alex Lopez Angeles

One of the chat with the CSM student that I contacted. As almost all of them haven’t got back to London, I made appointments with all of them to meet up on the 7th at CSM.

The only props that I need is a mirror and I was kind of relaxed about it since I made an appointment with National Gallery. But three days before the shoot I found out they don’t have full-length mirror. So I canceled the appointment and rushed to search for another hire place, amazon, and ebay. One hire place called Granger Hertzog. They have cool stuff that I think will suit the film.

Mirror from Granger Hertzog

Unfortunately it cost around £100 and I prefer not to take it since my laptop crashed at that time and I had to spend a lot on it 🙁 but I thought it will be my last resort if I couldn’t find anything. Then I tried to google mirror again and I!!! found!!! it!!! Sold at Argos with half price and I can grab it from Shepherd’s Bush’s branch which is nearby school. And I can return them. Perfect. I got it two days before the shoot.

Mirror that I got for the shoot

As for the studio, I called the media store first thing in the morning at 10am and they told me they will send an email when the booking system is up. I tried to wait at first but then my feeling told me that I have to open the orb webpage. And voila! It’s open! And there are many spots left for studio 2, 5, and 4!!! I’m so happy I literally booked the three of them at first, because the date of the shoot wasn’t fixed yet, I need to adjust with my cousin, Irfan’s schedule. Then we decide on 9 & 10, so I let go the studio 2 on the 8th and decided on studio 5 on the 10th. I feel super happy that I got the studio :’)))) I got all the equipment as well and thankfully as Irfan goes to Metfilm School he can get all the equipment needed that are not available in Lime Grove.

I collected the clothes from CSM students today and will go to CSM again tomorrow (because of the changes on shooting date). A textile student from CSM, Wenqi, collaborated with me and helped me find fabrics and created these colourful creatures:

Thanks to my flatmates Sophie and Emily for being my fitting model!

I contacted the models and makeup artist. The model confirmed for the dates, but the makeup artist couldn’t make it because she forgot and had an interview appointment. Thankfully she recommended me one of her assistants who also go to LCF. And I asked some of my friends as well just to be safe so we’re good.

And for the clothes for stage 1, as the designers that I contacted and Fashion Crossover haven’t replied to my message yet I decided to buy a dress from Topshop. I think the shape and colour fit with the image that I imagined.

I’m excited!!

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