Fashion Media Lab – Cooking Idea 3

On the 10th of December, I did lighting and stereoscopic test at the studio in Limegrove with my cousin to make sure that no issue will happen on the shooting day later. We tried studio 4, one of the options if we couldn’t get studio 2 or 5. The most important thing we need is the rig as we’re doing spotlight lighting. A wider studio also needed so ideally studio 2 would suffice. I just hope I can book it since the media store told me they’ll email when the booking opens. They’ll open in the first week but the booking dates won’t out yet.

Notes while I’m researching for the storyboards.

I started the research by reading journals and watching a lot of review and tutorials on filming technique (use of colours, angle, etc) on Youtube to further enhance the idea.

After reading some journals on enclothed cognition (although there’s only one that formally coined the term and studied it, the rest are extended analysis on enclothed cognition), I understand that the concept is how clothes affect us inwardly. So for the film, I need to create a story that happens inside the mind instead of the outside environment. That is why I ditched the bedroom idea and switched it to just her and a mirror in the middle of empty space.

I tried to create a story:
Overwhelmed by the new environment, Kala (temp name for the character in the movie) keeps on feeling uncomfortable in her space, creating chaos inside her. She resides to her ‘clothes’, embracing her identity, and despite all the inner havoc, she decided to move forward.

Now I just need to make production deck and confirm the dates and availability with the crews involved.

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