DCS – Idea for Exhibition

I have always been a fan of circus then I found this book The Circus. 1870s – 1950s at the oversized book corner in LCF library. I took so many pictures and one that strikes me the most is the poster of a sideshow to display human with uncommon body condition: Siamese twins, bearded lady, Tom Thumb, etc. They transform the ‘freaks’ that are feared and looked down by society into a source of amusement.

I heard once from my colleagues that “Lo kayak ikan hias, deh” (You look like a decorative fish)– because I’m colorful and walked around the office a lot (I was working with a lot of different division and I just can’t sit down too long so I wandered a lot). I felt good in one way cause it’s a cute fish right and they’re colourful.

But at the same time, these fish are locked in an aquarium and just there to literally decorate people’s place and become the source of amusement (especially for kids!). For me, my self-expression is a mean to fulfil self-satisfaction (and I’m pretty sure it’s the same for some other people), but it is often seen as a source of amusement. I found this similar to the sideshows in circus performances, that’s why I’d love to apply the ironic concept.

So a number of people will be chosen to be in the exhibition, and I’m thinking of choosing people with different styles and background that have unexpected stories. Each person will get a booth or a corner for their own, then the booth will be decorated in tandem with their preferences/personality.

For contingency plan, I’m thinking of making AR space (so people can access the room with the booth on their phone, but they need to be in a quite large room to be able to walk all the exhibition). Or a virtual exhibition in website like this gallery.
Or creating a 3D animation of the people with my own reinterpretation? So sculpting them with 3D? Or collaborating with illustrators to reinterpret my interviewees with their art? (but of course, will put consideration who’s the best suit the interviewee’s preferences). Yoshitaka Amano’s illustrations for Vogue Italy Jan 2020 are really good!

I’m still not sure actually about the content, but I’m sure I’ll move it online.

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