DCS – Documentary Practice: Dressing Up during Pandemic 1

The first month of quarantine got me feeling lazier and lazier at home. A lot of uncertainties made me procrastinated. I decided not to do work and indulged myself ticking off my must-watch and must-read anime list. One day I saw a couple of friends dressing up at home and took pictures and had fun with it. So I instantly remembered the theory of enclothed cognition–does dressing up really help you with the stress in quarantine? Why?

I decided to run a poll on this on my Instagram and got around 40 people saying yes. I reached out to them and asked them for an interview and, if they’re willing, record some footages for me for the documentary.

In the first picture I asked whether they dress up at home because they’re tired of seeing themselves wearing pyjamas at home and the second one if dressing up lifted their moods. Surprisingly majority of people said yes!

So to these 40 people that answered yes, I asked them to do some recordings of themselves (ethnographic for me to see if it really help them, how they usually dress up, what kind of activities, and their environments to help me understand their decision making better).

In addition, after they sent me the videos (or maybe some won’t have time to make it–it’s okay) I interviewed them on the topic outside of pandemic too, for the purpose of making GILIGILI. Here’s my list of questions:

  1. Do you try to dress up?
  2. What kind of clothes? Why?
  3. How do you feel when you dress up?
  4. Looking at your wardrobe–do you feel the need to declutter them–finding old clothes that you actually want to wear again?
  5. Tempted to buy or try to sell clothes?
  6. ‘Upstyle’ your pyjamas or dressing up for real?
  7. Do you see your friends dressing up? Does that make you want to do it too?
  8. Does your style/preferences change?
  9. How do you feel about dressing up right now?
  10. Do you think not dressing up making you lose your identity?
  11. Does dressing up boost your mood on doing certain chores?
  12. Does the effect remain for a brief/long time?
  13. How does your environment (friends, family, partner) react to you dressing up (during pandemic)?
  14. If this pandemic lasts a long time, what would you do about your outfit?
  15. Do you plan what you want to wear after pandemic ends?

These questions are the basics, I will add more questions in accordance with the answers I got.

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