Digital Concept and Strategy – Feedback 1

I had a Skype tutorial with Vicky today ahead of the one on Thursday because I’m having a shoot on that day. So I explained most of the stuff I have in ideation and got the feedback:
1. Lookup for Super Impose, as they do a lot of experimental stuff and work closely with fashion
2. Remind Vicky to show me the project that Costa did for his final
3. Where all the stories involved in the project come from? Make and distribute job roles to individuals involved in the project
4. Try talking to Andrew, head of MA Journalism to get insights
5. Create a mindmap to have a clearer idea of what I want to do
6. Put all initial ideas on paper and try to create SWOT and competitor analysis from it

As for the job roles, I wish to become a creative director in the future so I decided to try to become one for this project. I have a team back home with their own roles, from producer to set designer to a journalist so their roles are fixed. I just need to find more artists to collaborate with that has the same concern and the aesthetic I desire for the project. The stories that I will bring up will come from Indonesian folklore and my subject’s experiences. As I want to create portrait interview, it will be about them and different aspects of their personalities.

As for the competitors, I found four that are potential but from the analysis, I think none of them are direct competitors.

While the target audiences are quite similar, Visionaire and We Indonesians Rule aim for general mainstream audiences. While Whiteboard Journal and Buah are more similar to whom I want to reach out to. None of them is specifically talking about the body, identity and representation neither experimenting with different media (until this writing is posted). The closest one is Buah, but since its focus is Indonesian diasporas, while I’m focusing on Indonesians who live in Indonesia.

For the focus of this project, I want to combine both topics from the units last term (enclothed cognition and nonconformist self-expression through fashion). But my aim is to become a creative director and I want to try creating different kinds of content–and the gap that I found is ‘space’–so I want to focus more on the ‘space’ issue. To create a desired ‘space’ for people to do self-expression.

I think I need to do more research as I have to define the idea more.

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